COVID-19 Screener Product

BRX is offering an affordable, short survey product that will screen your employees for COVID-19 related symptoms before coming into work each day.

Organizations must continue to comply with the guidance and directives for maintaining clean and safe work environments, as dictated by the Department of Health. As outlined in New York State’s master guidelines for re-opening, employee screening is an integral part of safety plans for organizations returning to work:

• Responsible Parties must implement mandatory daily health screening practices.

– Screening practices may be performed remotely (e.g. by telephone or electronic survey), before the employee reports to the site, to the extent possible; or may be performed on site.
– Screening should be coordinated to prevent workers from intermingling in close contact with each other prior to completion of the screening.
– At a minimum, screening should be required of all workers and visitors and completed using a questionnaire that determines whether the worker or visitor has: (a) knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19, (b) tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or (c) has experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    Details and benefits of this product:

• Customizable question set asking COVID-related questions to determine if it’s safe for an employee/customer/student eligibility to come into work or school
• Customizable styling and links
• Call-to-action for employee/customer/student as to whether or not to come in that day
• Sets up an action to recognize employee/customer/student uniquely and individually
• Responsible manager will receive an email/alert about any employee/customer/student that the survey notifies to stay home
• Link to a password-protected data file will be available on-demand to download at any time with all historical data
• Ability to keep records if contact tracing is necessary
• Summary of data will also be available in a downloadable link, with the ability to filter by employee, department, date, etc.

Click here for an example demo